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duke (dook, dyook) n. 1. In Great Britain and certain other European countries, a nobleman ranking immediately below a prince and above a marquis. 2. A European prince ruling over a duchy. 3. A fighting style common among rabbits.In order to duke correctly, you must master the following steps...
Step 1: Getting an opponentOpponents can range from complete strangers, to bee keepers, it doesnt matter who you duke, all that matters is the duke its self. In order to get an opponent I recommend you call them many bad names. Like stink, fool, panzy, etc.. Step 2: Duking crouch In order to master the art of duking, you need to be able to crouch into a duking postition. Step 3: "Jabular" The jabular is a small punch using which ever hand is closest to your opponent. Usually you should try to do three of these before you move onto step #4. Step 4: "Wollup" The wollup is a big, strong punch to your opponents guts. This will most likely make him cry. Once you master these steps, bunnies nation wide will want to kiss you. Good luck. |